I am thrilled to be teaching two adult fiction classes this fall at the Word's Worth Writing Center in Oakwood, Ohio. This is the second fall I haven't been teaching full time, and while there are things I don't miss at AT ALL (grading, conferences, meetings), I do actually miss the act of interacting with a group of students while the creative energies sparkle. This will be perfect—teaching only fiction, without having to teach grammar, vocabulary, or Tom Sawyer!
The Word's Worth Writing Center offers many, many wonderful classes. I'll be teaching two—a Craft of Fiction class on Mondays (where we will delve into Character, Voice/Point of View, Dialogue, Plot, Description, Beginnings and Endings) where you can apply our exercises to a work-in-progress or use them to jumpstart a new project. I'll also lead a Workshop on Wednesdays where you can receive feedback on your work in a supportive, constructive environment.
You can check out dates, times, and registration info at the link above. If you're local, I'd love to have you join us!
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