Monday, September 7, 2009

The Manuscript Has Left the Building

I was a horrible blogger in the month of August. My apologies. I’m happy to report that, at long last, I finished the revisions! After a final push of working nose-to-the-grindstone, on the morning of September 1, I hit “send” and the book flew through cyber space off to my editor. It’s hard to know if this is the final or if more revisions will be needed. I should know soon. Keep the vibes coming!

The book has changed a great deal, more so at this late stage than any of my other novels. I’ve never had so much new material enter the book so close to “the finish,” but it was right for the story and the manuscript has finally become the book I envisioned.

I thank my wonderful, talented, insightful team of readers, who turned the book around within a week for me, delivering great feedback—Katy Yokum, Anne Griffith, Sharon Short, Dr. Kathy Joseph, Mom and Dad, and most especially Rachel Moulton (who was reading the manuscript for the fifth time in as many years, with a brand new baby and a new school year beginning).

I’ll keep you posted! I’m taking some days off, to catch up with my neglected garden, my neglected cat, and my neglected social life. I can read again! And see movies! But...after a week, I’ll settle in to begin book #5. I can hardly wait...

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