Monday, August 16, 2010

Third Stop at Saturn

Last Thursday, I enjoyed my third visit to Saturn Booksellers in Gaylord, Michigan. This is one of my favorite book stores on the planet! Shortly before my return to Saturn, I wrote about them for the blog Too Fond of Books. Read it here to understand just why and how much I love them!

I had the great pleasure of having lunch with wonderful owner Jill Miner and one of her daughters, Kelsey (after a GPS-mistaken trip to drop off some scrap metal that landed us in some serious Deliverance country. It's a bit unnerving for the GPS to announce "arriving at destination" when the only sign of civilization on the dirt two-track road is some underwear hanging on a clothesline in the distance...that scene is gonna end up in a book someday, I just know it!).

I absolutely adore the wonderful booksellers at Saturn and it was fun catching up with them before the reading and signing. As usual, they had done a stellar job promoting the event and it was standing room only—every available chair was taken and some people stood on the stairs to hear the reading! I recognized several audience members from my previous trips to the store, and that made it feel like a reunion with old friends.

Jill and the booksellers had the great idea of collecting donations for the Otsego County Animal Shelter, and by the start of the reading the decorated box was overflowing! They had quite a haul of bleach, brushes, food, leashes, etc. to take to the Shelter. I was thrilled!

I'm not sure which I loved more: the warm audience response, the fact that the store has sold well over 100 copies of Blessings, or how much I laughed at dinner afterward! Dinner conversation included: fainting goats, zombies, zombie goats, sharktepuss, just how amazing the cheesy mashed potatoes were, punchcards, and foutons...

So, big heartfelt thanks to Jill, Jody, Karin, Taylor, Maggie, Karrie, Darcie, Emily, and Carley (forgive me if I forget anyone!). Thanks to Kelsey for leading me to the Traverse City Airport after I got coffee-ed up in Saturn's great Coffee Cabin the morning after my event.


  1. Saturn has always been my favorite planet... and this seems to emphasize that Saturn is apparently all around amazing!

    And for randomness: I love how you dress. It's so... casually classy.

    Also, whoever wrote your name on the chalkboard has really nice handwriting!

  2. Why thank you, Kerry! That made my day.
